
Donate to the Foundation!

Click the button below and follow the steps:

To make a donation in memory of someone, use following steps:

  • Select Donate button above

    • The Foundation uses Paypal as the system to receive donations. You do not have to have a Paypal account. Paypal will accept donations directly from your credit card.

  • Select from the preset amounts or enter your desired amount in the "Other Amount" box.

  • Click on "Donate with PayPal" or "Donate with a Debit or Credit Card". Follow prompts/fill in payment and contact information

  • Click on "Add special instructions to the seller" and type your message, such as “Donation in memory of XXX

  • Enter the paypal or credit card information & other required data

  • Select “Donate Now” at the bottom to complete the donation

  • You will receive an email receipt from Paypal

The Carl McCain Memorial Foundation will notify the family of your donation in the event of a memorial gift